Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Yes, I do draw from time to time. Here are a few rare Paul Lasaine layout drawings done for a film at Dreamworks that'll probably never grace the silver screen. I'm not sure if I'm allowed to show them, but's been more than 5 years for crying out loud. There's gotta be some kind of statute of limitations for this kind of thing.

They're mostly black Sharpie on white paper. I used several pens in various stages of life. Some were very dry. I drew the facade in the first and last drawings separately, then composited it into the final drawings in Photoshop.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

The Phantom 2040

In the early '90s, I did a few concept illustrations for an animated series called "The Phantom 2040". The show got great reviews, but didn't last long...33 episodes...none of which I ever saw. Consequently, I have no idea if any of my designs were even used. But I was pretty happy with a few of the paintings, so here they are.

Sorry for the obvious Syd Mead / Blade Runner rip off; it's what they wanted. I had just finished work on Dick Tracy, and the producers specifically wanted their city to look like a cross between Dick Tracy and Blade Runner. Syd Mead was way too expensive, so I got the job.
(They're all painted in acrylic.)

The City

City : Detail

Arch Nemesis' Office

Police Chief's Office