Friday, December 19, 2008

The Prince of Egypt: 10 Year Anniversary

Today was the tenth anniversary of the release of The Prince of Egypt. In honor of that, here are a few more of my POE paintings.

Layout: Darek Gogol.

Layout: Darek Gogol.

Layout: Darek Gogol.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Yes, I do draw from time to time. Here are a few rare Paul Lasaine layout drawings done for a film at Dreamworks that'll probably never grace the silver screen. I'm not sure if I'm allowed to show them, but's been more than 5 years for crying out loud. There's gotta be some kind of statute of limitations for this kind of thing.

They're mostly black Sharpie on white paper. I used several pens in various stages of life. Some were very dry. I drew the facade in the first and last drawings separately, then composited it into the final drawings in Photoshop.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

The Phantom 2040

In the early '90s, I did a few concept illustrations for an animated series called "The Phantom 2040". The show got great reviews, but didn't last long...33 episodes...none of which I ever saw. Consequently, I have no idea if any of my designs were even used. But I was pretty happy with a few of the paintings, so here they are.

Sorry for the obvious Syd Mead / Blade Runner rip off; it's what they wanted. I had just finished work on Dick Tracy, and the producers specifically wanted their city to look like a cross between Dick Tracy and Blade Runner. Syd Mead was way too expensive, so I got the job.
(They're all painted in acrylic.)

The City

City : Detail

Arch Nemesis' Office

Police Chief's Office

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Half Dome

Here's an oldie. I have to say, I miss real paint...


And for those of you who like to see the brush strokes...

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Lily Pond Floor Mat

OK, this is one of the stranger projects I've worked on. It's a hand painted floor mat. Yes, a floor mat. The idea came from my mother-in -law (also an artist) who did something similar in her kitchen. My wife wanted one too.

It's acrylic on very thick canvas...varnished heavily. Yes you can walk on it:)