Sunday, October 21, 2007

Flushed Away

I did a few early vis-dev pieces for Flushed Away...while it was still an Ardman Project. This one's my favorite...mostly because I had a fantastic layout by art director, Pierre-Olivier Vincent (POV). By the way, last year POV won the Annie Award for production design for his work on Flushed Away! For those of you who aren't familiar with the Annies, it kind of like the Academy Awards for animation.



  1. Hey Paul
    some fantastic stuff here - love your work. Have always enjoyed looking at your work in the various 'art of' books. Its fantastic you have a blog. Keep all the great work coming!!!

  2. oh my god, I'm crying!! It's too beautiful..uao..I don't know why but remember me the good side of my childhood..lovelovelove
    (and thanks so much for coming in my little blog Paul..)
    waiting for the next amazing post..

  3. Bonjour Paul! This is Matt here @ Bibo's in Nice. So good to see your work online at last-looking forward to finally seeing SURF'S UP -it's released this Wednesday in France-they called it 'Les Rois de la glisse' which translates as KINGS OF THE SURF!

    Bibo showed me the CD of shots you took while you were here-they're great. What kind of camera & lens were you using?

  4. Paul, this is all very inspiring. Marcelo led me here, but shoot, your blog is a main attraction all of its own. Very, very nice, sir.

    Jed Henry (the intern)

  5. My favorite is the waterfall shot for El Dorado. Well designed, skillfully realized.

    Do you ever miss workin in acrylic?


  6. Ratropolis! I did not see Flushed Away. I should. Then again I haven't seen a ton of films I should either so this is a normal trend...

    You know. I look at this piece, and I immediately think, "All the lights of Rat Town, baby, and you can't find a single damn place to grow a pot of herbs and a Christmas tree. There might be an explosion with all that oxygen being pumped up into the air."

    --Shuku the Weird

  7. Jed,
    Yes, I miss acrylic. I miss paint in general, but that's my fault. I have this big canvas sitting on an easel at home waiting to be painted upon. It's been there for months and it's still white. It stares me down whenever I enter the room.

  8. WOw Paul! ...beautiful .
    I also like the nod to Guinness in the bg . I had plenty of that stuff at home recently ............

  9. wow... do you have any art books with just your art in there?

  10. Really crazy stuff you posted bellow. Especially the moby dick paintings! Well you made me a Fan!! Keep posting cant wait to see more!

  11. ok it's embarassing, there's so many amazing paintings, I don't even know where to start from..!
    ah well...
    and the el dorado one!!!!!!!

  12. Bobby,

    No, sadly I don't have a book of just my work. I'm in several "Art Of" books though: Prince of Egypt, All The Lord of the Rings books, Open Season, and recently, Surf's Up.
    But Most of them have lousy print quality. That's why I started this blog - I wanted people to see my work the way I intended it to look. We'll see how long it takes, but my intention is to post everything that's worth seeing.

  13. Wow, really sool paintings. Soembody mention you about your Prince of Egypt paintings and I am so happy they provied a link to your blog. You have amazing work posted. I like your painting style and I could see the tons of experiance you have in it.

  14. Hi Paull,you are relly a fantastic painter.
    Your artworks are really wonderful!!!!!!
    I am an Italian artist, I worked for Universal pictures and Disney feature Animation, but I really would like to work with you one day.
    You are the best one for me as mood and colors!!!!
    I leave you my website
    I would like so much have an your opinion ......
    Thanks so much for your wonderful blog!!!!!!!!!
    bye Lorenzo

  15. Hi Paull,you are relly a fantastic painter.
    Your artworks are really wonderful!!!!!!
    I am an Italian artist, I worked for Universal pictures and Disney feature Animation, but I really would like to work with you one day.
    You are the best one for me as mood and colors!!!!
    I leave you my website
    I would like so much have an your opinion ......
    Thanks so much for your wonderful blog!!!!!!!!!
    bye Lorenzo

  16. ah i loved flushed away! that movie suprises me everytime hehe, can watch it over and over


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