Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The Wreck of the Albatross

This is an illustration from a personal project I'm developing.'s a secret. If you recognize the BG, give yourself a pat on the have good eyes. Yes, I "borrowed" it from one of my Surf's Up paintings. Hey, I designed the original...I can steal from myself if I want!


  1. beautiful light and composition. :)

  2. A personal project...!!!! my heart just skipped a beat. Have you written a story?

  3. Paint or Digital?
    I'll take that as a complement. It's digital.

  4. This is amazing!! I love the composition, and how the light leads to the ship.

  5. I was exactly thinking about the wonderful concepts you did for Surf's up, i tooked the artbook to analyse again! i love the cube-shaped style of the environments! lovely illustration.

  6. wow paul...
    exciting stuff,..
    can you pls give me some tips on matte painting?

    the one you have in the other blog...the city scape..

    whats the trick behind a successful ( your) it about blurring your eye and seeing the photogrphic effect...
    pls advice..

    and will you pls post a demo of yours ( matte painting) in your blog or youtube..

    manoj.( hope you do remember me)

  7. Hahaaaa... you're funny.

    Can't wait too see more.

  8. Wow, Paul,

    Been a long time fan of your work and this one is just amazing. Very simple, graphic, yet so narrative.
    Just awesome, awesome work!!

  9. your self-stealing is completely justified! haha!
    so simple yet so great !

  10. Hey, Paul. What did you do that in? And you said in a post a while ago that Painter X's oil brushes were clunky, so what version are you using?

    Thanks for showing us the work!

    Best regards,

    -Gary Clemenceau

  11. Gary,
    Yeah, I think the new Painter 10-11 oil brushes are cool and do lots of stuff, but in grand Painter fashion, they over complicated it.

    I did this painting in Painter 8..which is basically Painter 7.

  12. i love how the angle of the light and the sail line up, very smart.


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