All artwork and text is copyrighted by Paul Lasaine, unless otherwise attributed to the respective copyright owner. It is illegal to publish, print or reproduce any such artwork or text without written permission by the artist or copyright owners.

Welcome to my my Portfolio Page.

This is where you'll find my professional work (and some personal pieces as well).

As always, I'm unable to post my current work, as it's for films that have yet to hit the big screen.

Don't forget to visit my BLOG. There's more of my work there, plus a bunch of other fun stuff.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017


Here are a couple of my favorite pieces from Storks...Warner Animation Group's second feature! I was the Production Designer. The film did just OK in the box office, but I'm super proud of how it looked!

This is the first design I did for the film: the secret outpost where the baby factory was located.

This is the final design painting I did for the interior of the The Baby Factory. A bunch of people worked to help design this location. I spearheaded the design, but a lot of work was done by Simon Dunsdon, Amanda Jolly, Roy Santua, Sunmin Inn, Ben Nelson and Chris Riccardi...and of course, all the geniuses at Imageworks who built the thing and brought it to life.

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